Thursday, November 13, 2008

Fortress of Louisburg, Cape Breton, NS

This soldier was explaining life as a soldier at the Fort, in the 1700's.
He also explained and demonstrated the firing of his musket. There
were some women soldiers too, of course, there would never have been
women soldiers then, but today, they can ever gain training to fire the
muskets and cannons and do the blacksmithing demonstations- go girls!
I picked up the musket-it weighs about 40lbs! Heavier then a 5 year old!
This man was so wonderful, we asked if Loudon could touch the musket.
Loudon was very interested. When we asked if we could take a picture,
he through his hat, actually a trefoil (I think) on Loudon's head.
What a great photo!

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