Friday, July 6, 2007

The Toronto Zoo

Well, I finally got our vacations pics off of Darrin's laptop, so I can start posting pics from our vacation. These are from the Toronto Zoo.

Everyone is excited and there is so much to see. L-R: Bradley, Darrin, Hoa, Hayden, Hannah, Brennus, Loudon (hey boys, stop fighting!) and Norah (hiding in the stroller).

Two hot and tired boys needed a lift every now and then.
The baby baboons put on quite a show for Hayden and Loudon. This one pressed his face against the glass and Loudon is poking him. The monkey would then jump back like he was scared which would send Loudon into a fit of laughter.
Daddy and Loudon checking out the Gorilla exhibit.

Some Rhinos...

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