Wednesday, April 18, 2007

My Cameras are Broken!

Okay, I have 2 digital cameras and they both broke within a day of each other. The lens on my good camera will not come out. The motor just keeps running and whirring, but it's stuck in there. It must be jammed. AND the flash for taking stills using the video camera is not working so the pics are all coming out too dark. So, my only option is to post mpegs from the video camera while I get the other camera fixed- which could take a while. Be prepared to see a lot of vids in the next few weeks.
On another note, I just started checking on the stats from the blog and I can see who's been looking at it according to location. But what was really interesting, is that there were people from China and the UK who have looked at it too. How neat!!


Anonymous said...

so you can see that I check it every day to see what funny things your boys are doing next?

Chris, Tammy and the gang! said...

Hi Gail,

I'm not sure how to contact you but you left a message on my blog (Two homes, One Heart) about making blankets and cake! We would love to have your help! A cake walk is a carnival game kind of like musical chairs. Everyone plays to win a decorated cake. They pay to be in the "cake walk" and the last one standing gets the cake. Kids love this game and of course, we all love the cakes! You can email me at

Talk to you soon,