Thursday, August 7, 2008

Californians Come to Visit!

This week, Darrin brother Kevin and wife Valerie and thier 4 kids came to visit from California!

Here's Loudon and Brennus with their cousins Marah, Anya, Khyber, Noah.Gary/Dad/Grandpa, Kevin and Darrin
The kids built a big Thomas the Tank Engine track together.
It was quite the production!
Anya, Loudon and Khyber.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

A Trip to the Cottage

A few weeks ago, Darrin/ Daddy took Loudon and Brennus to the cottage in NS for 4 days! They had a great time. Here are some pictures from their adventures...Enjoy!

Throwing rocks in the lake.
Several cool moths on the side of the cottage.
Wow! Loudon can't beleive it!

At the Atlantic Fisheries museum in Lunenburg.
Brennus looks more impressed with this!
Lunch in Lunenburg!
Catch of the day!
Hi Dad! ( did daddy really make his kids crawl through that hole?)

A visit to New Ross Farm. The boys called me from here. Brennus said he was looking at the sheep, but it was really a pig.Here's a mama and her babies at the farm. Ouch! Poor gal!
Throwing more rocks in the lake.
Two hot and tired out boys!
Make that 3 tired out boys!