Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween Night 2007

Sir Loudon and Sir Brennus had a wonderful night of trick-r-treating.
Daddy got into the activity too as the big, bad Wolf.

Who likes Halloween? I DO!
First house...our neighbour...

Brennus got this sucker and was content to sit in the wagon with,
through all of the trick-r-treating. He had a death-grip on that thing!

Two tuckered Knights on their trusty, wagon...
on their way back home.

Happy Halloween!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Neah's Visit

Last week, Neah came to visit us and she brought he parents, Darrin's cousin Tanya and her hubby Dan. We hadn't seen Tanya and Dan since Fall 2002 so we had a lot of catching up to do. 8 month old Neah was just a delightful, and beautiful baby.

Dan and Neah...

Careful inspection of Darrin's facial hair...of course, Loudon got great delight out of seeing Neah pulling on Daddy's beard! She was very curious!

A trip to the beach for some great photo ops...Run!

Tanya and Neah...happy gals!Brennus at the beach...

Two tired boys at the end of the day.

Apple Picking

Loudon went apple picking with his class last week. It was a wet and dreary fall day but it looks like everyone had fun anyway!

Here's Loudon showing his class a gourd.
"My bag's getting full!"
Loudon and his classmate, Eric.

The whole Class in the rain and mud- what fun!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007