Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Kelly and Pat and Girls visit from Ontario

Here we are at our house having some PEI corn.
Cows ice cream is a MUST!
This is Bethany.
This is Brennus eating lemon, yes, really!
Awe! Kelly and her sweet hubby, Pat!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Halloween in August...

Max and the wild things...

Look at those happy faces. Costumes and candy, what could be better!

Edan raking in the loot!
Liam is ready to go get more...
...and the walls became the world all around...

Even wild things get thirsty...

The bestest campground ever!
Roasting marshmallows.

Mmmm, smores...yummy!

Up way too late.

And loving every minute of it.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

At the Cottage

Here's a clip of Darrin with Loudon and his cousins Anya and Marah (in the water) and Kyber and Noah (on the raft) at the Cottage last week. We all a great time.